Rough outline of changes from the Default Sheet: Added -
Vital Statistics (Height, Weight, etc)
More Weapon Slots
Grenade Slot
AMMO TRACKING for each weapon
Augmentation section
Misc. section (originally intended as "Fancy Computer Tracking" section, but didn't want to be too limiting)
Armour Detail slot
Armour Upgrade section
Weapon Fusions section
"Storage" section (Maybe your apartment, maybe your spaceship, maybe your storage locker. I dunno man, it's your stuff)
A goddamn Quantity column for the Equipment section
Removed -
Spells Known (This is partially due to no-one in my current group playing a spellcaster, and partially due to spell tracking just being generally more pleasant with a second dedicated sheet or even book.)
Thrown Attack bonus (I'll admit this is useful until you've cemented the knowledge of "Thrown weapons use Str to hit," but I didn't have room for all four slots...)