QUOTE: Tonya Woldridge Organized Play Manager 20170908@Paizo
Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons:
A character can only slot one Promotional boon, unless she has a special rule that overrides this (such as the Acquisitives Sponsorship Social boon).
Slotting Promotional Boons: A Promotional boon is slotted at the same point in a scenario when other boons are slotted. To slot a Promotional boon, the player must meet the prerequisites listed with the specific boon. These prerequisites most often include physical possession of a physical gaming accessory.
Name | Description |
Promotional Bonus | Gain a once-per-session bonus on skill checks |
Promotional Convention Support | Gain a once-per-session Hit Point boost |
Promotional Record Keeper | Gain a once-per-session stamina regain or lower a starship skill check DC |
Promotional Reroll | Gain a once-per-session reroll |
Promotional Service Award | Gain a once-per-session boon swap |
Promotional Bonus
You have brought an accessory that displays your visible support to Paizo's organized play program. This grants you a skill bonus based on the faction your accessory promotes.
Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying faction pin to the game.
Benefit: Once per session, while wearing a Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin matching the faction your character currently champions, you may add 2 to any skill check. If you apply this benefit to one of your faction's favored skills, listed below, you instead roll 2d4 and add the result. For this roll you also treat the faction's favored skill as if you were trained, even if you don't have a rank in it.
- Acquisitives: Bluff and Profession
- Dataphiles: Computers and Engineering
- Exo-Guardians: Athletics and Intimidate
- Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo): Diplomacy and Perception
- Wayfinders: Life Science and Survival
Alternatively, once per scenario, while wearing a Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Faction Pin, you may add 2d4 to a Culture skill check. For this roll you also treat Culture as if you were trained, even if you don't have a rank in it.
Promotional Convention Support
You have brought an accessory that displays your visible support to Paizo's organized play program. This grants you a onetime boost of Hit Points during a scenario.
Prerequisites: Bring and display an authorized convention support item to the game.
Benefit: Once per session, as a standard action, you can heal a number of Hit Points depending on your Reputation Tier with All Factions. If your Reputation Tier is 0 or 1, you regain 1d8 Hit Points. If your Reputation Tier is 2 or 3, you instead regain 3d8 Hit Points. If your Reputation Tier is 4, you instead regain 6d8 Hit Points.
Special: You can only slot this boon if the scenario is being run at the convention associated with the authorized convention support item. For an item to be considered an authorized convention support item, it must have prior approval from the Organized Play team. Event organizers are encouraged to email organizedplay@paizo.com to verify the validity of convention items for this purpose.
Promotional Record Keeper
You have brought an accessory that displays your visible support to Paizo's organized play program. This grants you the ability to reduce the Resolve Point cost for a Stamina rest or to improve a starship-related skill check.
Prerequisites: Bring and display a Starfinder Player Character Folio to the game.
Benefit: You can use this boon, once per session, in one of two ways. The first option is to reduce the Resolve Point cost of resting to regain Stamina by 1 (down to 0 RP). The second option is to reduce the DC of any single starship combat check (including a gunnery check) by 4; this decision must be made before making the check.
Promotional Reroll
You have brought an accessory that displays your visible support to Paizo's organized play program. This grants you a onetime reroll during the session.
Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying t-shirt or messenger bag to the game.
Benefit: You can reroll a single d20 roll you make during the course of the scenario. You must follow all the reroll rules as listed on page 243 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook when using this reroll.
Special: When a player uses a free reroll, she may present her Organized Play membership card (available on their My Organized Play page) and receive an additional +1 for every GM nova she has earned, for a maximum of a +5. Note, this bonus applies to the higher result of the reroll, not just the second roll.
Promotional Service Award
You have proven your dedication to Paizo's organized play program. This grants you the ability to swap out a boon during a scenario.
Prerequisites: Bring and display a qualifying campaign service award (i.e. campaign service coin or Wayfinder).
Benefit: You can reroll a single d20 roll you make during the course of the scenario. You must follow all the reroll rules as listed on page 243 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook when using this reroll.
Alternatively, once per session, by spending ten minutes (including as part of spending a Resolve Point to regain lost Stamina), you can swap out any one boon for another boon that occupies the same boon slot. The boon you replace cannot be one with limited uses that you have already activated this adventure, though you can swap out a boon that you had to cross off your Chronicle sheet during play. You cannot use this ability to replace a slotted boon with a boon that uses up or take place during Downtime. You cannot use this ability if you've already used the reroll option provided by this boon.
Special: When a player uses a free reroll, she may present her Paizo Organized Play membership card (available on their My Organized Play page) and receive an additional +1 for every GM nova she has earned, for a maximum of a +5. Note, this bonus applies to the higher result of the reroll, not just the second roll.
This boon's second ability overrides the standard rule that once a boon is slotted it cannot be changed.